
Milan Spasojevic, principal


MILAN M. SPASOJEVIĆ(born in Gračanica, Ljubovija, Republic of Serbia, August 2, 1956), Biology teacher, principal at  “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Education: “Mika Mitrović” Primary School, Bogatić (1971); “Vera Blagojevic” Grammar School, Šabac (1976); Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Biology teacher (1981).

Work experience: “Svetozar Marković Toza” Primary School, Novi Sad (1982); “Ivan Gundulić” Primary School, Novi Sad (1983);  Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering, Novi Sad (1983); Job Center, Novi Sad, employment officer, (1984); SPENS (Novi Sad Sports Centre), Security Officer (1983); “Veljko Vlahović” Primary School, Novi Sad (1985-1987); “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sad (1985-1996).


Author of papers: Educationalvalue of educational Biology school trips, Pedagoška stvarnost, 3-4, 1986; The use of problem teaching method in Biology teaching, Misao, 3-4 1990; Games in Biology teaching, Misao, 7-8; 1990; Some features of the curriculum and biology textbooks for 5th and 6th grade in primary schools, Misao, 9, 1992;Possibilities of applying the pictographic writing system in Biology teaching, Misao, 3-4, 1993; Planning and preparing teachers for their classes, Misao, 2, 1996; Assessment and evaluation of students’ work, Direktor, 1-2, 2003; Project writingexamples from practice, Klett, Belgrade, 2012.


Co-author of papers: Introduction and development of multimedia teaching process, Obrazovna tehnologija, 2, 2005; Identifying the techniques of independent learning and evaluation of their effectiveness in pupils of elementary schoolsaction research, Support Human Capital Development and Research Project –collection of papers, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2015.


Projects:School Expansion and Equipping Project, the project holder in 2006 was “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sad and the project holder in 2012 was the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development; DILS, Together We Are Happy, the project holder was “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sad (2011); Digital School,the project holder was “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sad MT and ID(2010); Ethno Day, the project holder was “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, Novi Sadand Autonomous Province of Vojvodina(2008), School Without Violence, school team coordinator, Unicef ​​(2007); Phonetic Laboratory, project holder was “Kosta Trifković” Primary School, and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (2007); the pilot phase of Informatički bukvar (An ABC Book for Computer Science),coordinator, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (2002); Škola razvionica,Support Human Development and ResearchGeneral education and human capital development, Novi Sad, 2015; Erasmus + Internationalization of the School Through Interculturalism;


Certificates: Mentoring, Program of  Professional Development for Principals and Participants of EdLead Tempus Project, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (2016); Timss 2015 results and implications, IPI Belgrade (2017); New tendencies in school management. Klett, Belgrade (2017); Second, Third and Fourth Klett International Symposium for Leaders, Klett, Ohrid (2014), Thessaloniki (2015), Dubrovnik (2016), Kopaonik (2017) and Sofia (2017); Fundamentals of Learning and Teaching and Development of Practice Schools Module 1-1,1-2,1-3,2-1and 2-2Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2013-2015); Management in Education, FON Belgrade (2002,2003) and Gordiko Belgrade ( 2005), Assessment in Primary Schools, ZUOV, Belgrade (2007), Training School Teams for Preventing Deliquency at School,PDS Belgrade (2007), Active Learning, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2003); Education as a Key to Success – Finnish Experience, a conference, October 21, 2013; Multimedia as a Driver of Active Learning– Module 2, Teaching and Learning Methods, Advanced Learning to the Standards of the OSCE,TEMPUS Project Master Program -Leadership in Education, mentorship for principals of educational institutions, 11 – 14 September 2016, 28 November 2016 and 14 December 2016 (40 hours); New Technologies in Education, February 2017 in Belgrade, December 13, 2017 National eTwinningConference – KONFeT 2017 (Erasmus +), Palaža Hotel, Ljubljana; Erasmus + Internationalization of the School Through Interculturalism– Shadowing and mobility for the purpose of learning, Maribor, 10-17 December, 2017; Expert panel discussion –Public Speech – Techniques of Presentation Literacy.


Announcements: Congress of Ecologists, 1988,Ohrid; Seminars of Biology Teachers,1986-1993; Board of Principals 2007 – License for Directors; Third Klett’s Symposium for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers 2012; Conference of the project “Support Development of Human Capitaland Research – General Education and Human Capital Development”, Belgrade, May 2015; Water Agent,Third International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 27, 2017;


Membership: Serbian Biological Society, Red Cross of Novi Sad, Laza Kostic Foundation.


Mentorship: Biology Competition for Primary School Students of the Republic of Serbia- 1st place (1996); mentoring of students from the Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad (1993-1996).


Duties: Member of the Biological Competition Commission, Youth ScienceMovement (since 1986); president of the Biology Teachers’ Society, Novi Sad (1992-1996); Member of the Professional Service for Improving the Biology Curriculum, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia (1992-1996); principal of Kosta Trifkovićprimary school , Novi Sad (since 1996), external evaluation of the school – mark four (2013); Member of the Commission for the Development of Teacher Standards and Competencies, Institute for the Improvement of Education Committee(ZUOV) (since 2009); President of the Assembly of the School Principals of Novi Sad (since 2012); member of the Board of the Serbian Biological Society (from 2014); member of the Board of the Red Cross of Novi Sad (since 2014).


Awards and prizes:“Golden Badge”, best soldier – student, Yugoslav National Army JNA (1977); SvetosavskaPrize, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Novi Sad Primary Schools Management (2007), SvetosavskaPrize Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Novi Sad Primary Schools Management, (2008); October Award, the City of Novi Sad (2012); Letter of gratitude for the presentation of the School Without Violence Projectto the High Representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic, UNICEF (2014); Silver Sign, the Red Cross of Serbia (2017).



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